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Saturday, May 21st

And just like that JASY 2016 has come to a close. It is hard to believe that we will not be seeing the campers arrive with their enormous smiles anymore. It is also hard to believe that we will not be spending our days starting off with a "Good Morning JASY Campers!!!" and ending our nights with "Today. Tonight. Tomorrow." and reflecting on our experiences. But one thing is for sure; everyone on this trip had a wonderful, life-changing experience.

During tonight's final reflection, there was one quote that stuck with all of us:

Today I will plant a garden for my life. What will I plant?

Plant three rows of peace:

peace of mind

peace of heart

peace of soul

And then plant three rows of lettuce:

Lettuce be faithful

Lettuce be kind

Lettuce be present

No garden is without turnips:

Turnip for meetings

Turnip for service

Turnip to help one another

We must have thyme:

Thyme for each other

Thyme for God

Thyme for prayer

Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow."

After that quote, there were a few moments of silence where we all thought about what was said. Prior to this trip, the majority of us might have known each others' names, but not have interacted with each other on a daily basis, and some of us were total strangers. One of the volunteers, Dale Stoker, always said that it takes a village. Well, let me tell you - we quickly came together and became a close family. Our small village planted a garden with the people of Jamaica that we interacted with.

Pictures from the final day of JASY Camp 2016

To end JASY Camp, there are closing ceremonies were we, along with special dignitaries, recognize all of the campers for their work throughout the week. We also recognize four campers from each team for some awards (Most Disciplined, Most Respectful, Best Team Players, and Outstanding Citizen). Below are some pictures from those ceremonies.

Typically, there is a spotlight from a few volunteers in the blog, however that will not be happening tonight. Instead, all of us contributed to the spotlight and answered the following question: In 1 to 3 words, what will you remember about JASY? Here is what we said:

All the bright smiles

The loving children

The happiness the children were able to experience

The selflessness and joy of the campers

The way their faces lit up at camp

Amazing, beautiful teamwork

Great JASY teamwork

Committed engaged volunteers

Hope, faith, and joy

Bright smiles and love

Hope has the power you give it

The bonds forged through hard work

To be thankful

Joyful, innocent, beautiful children

Love, openness, gratitude

Incredible enthusiasm from campers and volunteers

The knowledge, love and support I've gained

Heart, hope, joy

Impoverished, yet unfathomable happiness

Thousands of smiles

What's important matters

The joy on the kids' faces as their buses left camp on Friday

Kids treasuring life

humbling, thankful for each day

Hope, thankfulness, and love

Life changing experience

Humbling and enlightening

Humbling, joyful, amazing

Eye opening experience

Breaking through barriers

Materialism is overrated

Only need love

As we say our goodbyes to each other tomorrow, we will remember the memories we made, the laughs we shared, and the lives that we changed.

"I am special, I am blessed."


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