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Thursday, May 19th

It is the fourth night of JASY Camp and tomorrow will be the fifth and final day of camp. Can you imagine it? Just yesterday, we were packing our bags to embark on a 10 day service trip to Jamaica with our bodies stirring with excitement. The excitement is still there, but with it are amazing and unforgettable memories that we have made with Jamaican youth and volunteers at JASY.

Zach Munski, one of the Green Team Ambassadors had a few words to say:

"This week has flew by! It has truly been an amazing and humbling experience. I am so blessed to have been given the opportunity to take this trip and experience what I have experienced; it is actually hard to put what I have experienced into words. We, as Americans, are beyond lucky to have what we have and we do not have cannot realize it until we see what the rest of the world has to offer.

We started the trip with a tour of the Riverton community; the people there literally live in shacks, yet are some of the most happy and upbeat people that I have ever met! Meeting and being able to work and play with the JASY campers this week has also been an amazing experience. While it was our goal to teach these campers about teamwork and joy, I feel like it is me who has been taught so much more. Really getting to know and learn about the campers lives has been great. They are all such amazing children and I will always remember their contagious smiles.

I think this service trip has made me a better person in numerous ways - I will never take anything for granted, I will be more patient and kind, and I will always strive to make other people's lives better. This experience has been amazing and I have learned so much from the children and people of Jamaica!"

Brandie Rice, from the Olympic Village, wanted to share a few words about her role at JASY Camp and the experiences she has with the campers:

"It is an amazing experience to see the kids so excited to color and do all of the crafts. They are so eager to learn the craft and try it. Even when we had a difficult craft, God's Eyes, all the kids tried their best and looked constantly for encouragement and guidance. The hardest thing about doing the crafts is having to tell the kids that their time is up. They so badly want to finished their projects and make them 'perfect'.

Their appreciation for everything they are doing is amazing. There is no way you could get 30 teenage boys in the U.S. to sit still for an hour coloring, yet these boys beg for more time. The best part is that the students use this opportunity to bless others. Most of the time they are making the craft for their mom, sister, or other family member.

Working in the Olympic Village, we get a unique experience to talk to the kids. I like to ask them what to be when they finish school. The answers vary - nurse, teacher, mechanic, pilot, lawyer. They have big dreams regardless of their circumstances and I am glad to be a part of encouraging them to continue to pursue their dreams."

Nicola Burroughs, a Caribbean Games Instructor, wanted to give a quote about today's theme of gratitude.

A smile goes a long way! Seeing their smiling faces each day as we cheer them on from the buses lets me know that they are happy and thankful. I have experienced nothing but love, teamwork, and respect from all the campers in all the group activities.

Tomorrow will be our final day with the campers, so be prepared for many pictures of us with them throughout the day and during closing ceremonies.

To see more pictures and learn more about our experience at JASY, be sure to follow our Facebook page!


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